
The world of chow-chows in the Broken Hill’s Heart kennel in 2020

With a chow-chow or more is the life is extremely exciting and cheerful, often humorous, kind, and very enjoyable. My beloved dogs have brought a lot of special, happy, enjoyable, hilarious and sometimes heartbreaking minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years in the last 28 years into my life, and at present still bring.😊 I love […]


Broken Hill Indiana Jones became 10 years old!

❤️ My beloved dog, my big, white bear, Indiana Jones became 10 years old. ❤️ ❤️ 10 wonderful years together, full with countless beautiful moments and with memories! ❤️ 10 years … flew away quickly so incredibly fast. The moments of the past beautiful years live so vividly alive in me. I can clearly remember, how […]


The Breeder

Finally this time has come too!😊 I have been watching already since 5 days, and today is finally started! I sit in the morning, 8 o’clock next to the whelping box in a chair and wait patiently for the arrivals. Patiently? Oh, in this moment is not the best word for this, because I would […]


Birthdays in january in the Broken Hill’s Heart chow-chow kennel!

In January are many joyful events, that are related to my beloved dogs and these are dear for my heart!❤️ I’d so rather say, these are very kind and memorable to me, birthdays always special occasions!❤️ In January are two Birthdays too! Four years ago, on the 26th a cream-colored boy was born. He was […]


Broken Hill Thália became 13 years old!

My beloved dog, my beauteous Thália is 13 years old today.❤ 13 wonderful years together, full with countless beautiful moments and with memories!❤ Thália had already fascinated everyone as a baby with her charming appearance and with her playful nature, wherever we went together, everyone admired her!😍 We started in this period showing her in […]


Beyond the Rainbow Bridge… In memory of our beloved dogs

As the november approaches, I will be very sad!😟 It’s hard to accept the immutable… and hard to remember without crying to our loved ones, who have left earthly existence, whether we talk about our human family members, about our friends, about our acquaintances, whether about our pets, about our dogs, about our cats! Today […]


The hand of a breeder

The hand of a breeder is the hand, that calms the mother during delivery… it is the hand, that caresses her belly to make she easier for you to with stand the pain caused by contractions.❤ The hand of a breeder is the hand, that opens the way to facilitate the birth of the babies… […]