I am Ildikó Vámosi, breeder of Broken Hill’s Heart chow-chow kennel.🙂 I live in heart of Europe, in Hungary!🙂 I knew the breed since 1991 and I’m a happy chow-chow owner already more than 25 years.😍❤ I have committed myself to breeding red and cream chow-chows.❤ My kennel was founded in 1996, more than already 22 years!😊❤
My kennel’s renewed website became 1 year old!😊
Our first website created in 2002. The continuous and rapid development of the technique brings with it the periodic renewal, so we created the second website in 2006, which so functioned for 12 years. After long preparation, half year of design and editing, this website has been replaced by the current (third), which is a really nice and special!
On the official website you can find all information related to my kennel, my beloved dogs and the chow-chow breed!😊😍 Our website are countless wonderful photos, that color the entire website, some nice videos on the dogs’ own pages, and many nice, cheerful and dear stories in the galleries.😊😍 You can get to know the history of my kennel from the introduction section, you can read about our exhibition successes in the Exhibitions menu, and in the Champion menu with photos and results you can see my own breeding dogs, who are proud of their exhibition successes! 😊😍 You can find out about the latest news from the News menu, and here find the extra contents there also.😊
From the occasion of the 1-year anniversary, I would like to show you some beautiful photos about my beloved chows, as well as to tell you cheerful and kind stories from the past 1 year.😊 We start from July 2018. Please, sustain with me and read on!😊
In every year the summer conjures a fabulous dream world in our home.😍 More than 100 roses in our rose gardens, which is a majestic sight.😍 Our chows-chows often turn around in our rose gardens. During this period lots of fabulous photos make about my beloved dogs between beautiful roses.😍 In photos taken last summer my snow bear, Playboy is just like a rose knight.❤
The summer are the season of fruits. Our dogs love them, especially blackberries are their favorites.😍 The largest blackberry eater is the beautiful Nofretete, who was standing on two legs eating the blackberries.❤️ She is very resourceful!❤️
The summer did not end in August, here was also warm in September, though the mornings, the evenings and the nights were cool. On the 20th of September, the last summer day also was over, and the last summer selfie also was made.😊
And has arrived the autumn. Luckily, it wasn’t cold, we still had a little indian summer in October, which was really enjoyable, and I made some autumn portraits about my beloved snow bear, about Playboy, this photo became my favorite, more photos can be viewed on his own page.❤
In October I made many new photos about my red beauty, about Melody, about the beautiful Nofretete, and about my snow bear, about Playboy, the photos can be viewed on their own pages. My personal favorites are these photos.❤
My beloved chow-chows in November. Some nice moments: my sweet cream girls, Niké and Melody are playing, while Playboy looks at what’s in the basket. I really like my dogs, each of them is a real individuality, and they together a really wonderful team, they are all who are so loyal, defenders, playful and cheerful, with their existence they bring endless joy and happy in my life! ❤️😊
In the last year the first snow was a real surprise… it fell at night, and in the morning was under every snow. The winter made wonderful things, and it was so cold, that my camera it was cold. But the chow-chows doesn’t, they really enjoy this weather! In the photo you can see viewed my red beauty, Melody.❤
❤ In this video you can see viewed my beloved snow bear, Playboy. ❤
2018 ended, and arrived the New Year. The first selfie of 2019 with my beloved snow bear, with Playboy.❤️ New year, new dreams, new plans, new opportunities, I hoped, that the good luck will be with us in the new year.
Here was still winter at the end of February. The snow was big and thick, and my beloved chows liked to playing in the snow, like Playboy in the photos.❤
Spring has arrived with March. There are nice spring weather, what we not only enjoy, but also my beloved chows!😊 They kept our home under constant control, of course, the flower garden cannot be left out. It is a great pleasure. that besides chows we can have beautiful flower gardens as well, because the chows are all very intelligent, always walk on the small garden path and respect the flowers.😊 In these photos are my beauteous cream chows, my snow bear, Playboy, Nofretete & Niké, the sisters, and them mum, Leontina.❤️
In March we made many new photos, among others about my snow bear, about Playboy, and a little artistic portrait about Nofretete and Playboy.❤
April was full with great news, and a special birthday. Indiana Jones, my big white bear was 9 years old in early April. 9 years … so incredibly fast passed. In my memories, the wonderful moments of the last years are so lively. Indiana Jones as a baby was a large plush bear, he was very playful puppy, and he grew into a big bear with a robust body and calm nature.❤️😊 Indiana is calm, well-mannered, intelligent, but very stubborn dog. I love his calm and proud character.❤️ I love him, Indiana Jones, my big, white bear, who has brought a lot of joy in my life, and I hopet, that he will be with me for a few years.!😊❤️
April’s was most important news, that based on the show results of my own breeding chow-chows, I have received the Double Bronze Level Master Breeder title! Huge joy, happiness and pride!😊❤️ I am grateful, and thanks to my beloved dogs and their dear families! 😊❤️ “I became Double Bronze Master Level Breeder! Thanks to my own breeding chows and their dear families!” in my article you can find the details.
In April I made beautiful portraits about my red beauty, about Melody, about my snow bear, about Playboy, and about beautiful Nofretete in the beautiful nature! More photos can be viewed on them own page.❤
May arriving with a rainy weather! There was only one advantage of cooler weather, our chows was actively enjoying life.❤️ In these photos are the beautiful chow girls, Melody and Nofretete in full sync watch the birds in the bush.❤️
When we didn’t fall, we could finally enjoyed some sunshine.😊 My big, white bear, Indiana Jones favorite place just in front of the front door, he often sitt there. Indiana Jones is a true individuality.❤ And while he was in front of the door, we went with the others chows in the flower garden in front of our house. In the photos are the beautiful girls, Niké, Nofri, Melody, and my snow bear, Playboy.❤
At the end of May, a new article was added in the News menu, which is related to the breeders’ work. The hand of a breeder is the hand, that carries out her work with responsibly and with endless love!🙂❤ What exactly is it doing? If you read „The hand of a breeder” my article, you can see it!
At the end of May we participated with my beloved Playboy in the Marathon Dog Show in Hungary in Miskolc.🙂 We achieved nice results.😊 We were very tired by the end of the long and warm day! The report of the exhibition together with the results will soon be available in the Exhibitions menu in our website.
The summer arrived with June. The weather was warm, and our beautiful roses were opened!😍 The summer has once again made our home a fabulous dream world!😍
I made many wonderful photos and portrait about my red beauty, about Melody, about my snow bear, about Playboy, about two sister, about Nofretete & about Niké between and before the beautiful roses. Here are some beautiful photos, these are my favorites.❤ More photos on dogs’ own pages and in the Gallery I. menu.
And we again arrived to July. To July 2019.😍 Thanks for reading this article, seeing our wonderful photos, and following the kind stories.😊
Dear reader! Thank you for reading this dear article, real joy for me! New news soon, please visit my website often: www.brokenhillchow.hu, remember this!🙂
If you are the lovers of chow-chow, I want to invite you in the facebook group of Broken Hill’s Heart chow-chow kennel.😊❤️
You can also find nice photos and useful content on the facebook page of the kennel!😊❤
From my wonderful puppies and from the beautiful adult chows you can see nice videos on the YouTube channel of my kennel, please check it out there too!😊❤
If you want, you can find me on Instagram too.
Author of this article: Ildikó Vámosi, the breeder of the Broken Hill’s Heart chow-chow kennel & the author and editor-in-chief of the hungarian „Dog Portal” & the hungarian „The Dog” magazine’s articles writer
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