
The hand of a breeder

The hand of a breeder is the hand, that calms the mother during delivery… it is the hand, that caresses her belly to make she easier for you to with stand the pain caused by contractions.❤

The hand of a breeder is the hand, that opens the way to facilitate the birth of the babies… it is a hand, that not hesitating, if a puppy in a difficult situation must to help be born.❤

The hand of a breeder is the hand, that breaks the baby’s bag if it has not broken… it is the hand, that helps her to breathe first.❤

The hand of the breeder is the hand, that cleans the newborn… it is the hand, that cuts the umbilical cord.❤

The hand of the breeder is the hand, that tries to revive the puppy if it doesn’t breathe… it is the hand, to which his tears fall, if it sometimes fails and has to give up when there is no heartbeat.😢

The hand of a breeder is the hand, that brings the puppy closer to her mother, that their attachment to each other develop as soon as possible… it is the hand, that stimulates the breasts so that the milk arrives… it is the hand, that which help the puppies learn to suck as soon as possible.❤

The hand of the breeder is the hand, that gives every 2-3 per hour bottles if there is not enough milk… it is the hand, that does not know fatigue, when it comes to puppy.❤

The hand of a breeder is the hand, that weighs the puppy every day to make sure everything is going well.❤

The hand of the breeder is hand, that rubs her eyes to fight against the fatigue of days without sleep.😟

The hand of a breeder is the hand, that takes care of the weaker, if they are not well… it is the hand, that if one detects one of them has trouble, does not hesitate a lot, call the vet number in the hope of quick help.🙂❤

The hand of a breeder is the hand, that teaches the puppies how to start eating pasty food … it is the hand, that does the same for changing to solid food.❤

The hand of a breeder is the hand, that returns the lost puppy to his mother… it is the hand, that so tries to play with the puppy, that in the meanwhile the puppy is socialize.❤

The hand of a breeder is the hand in which puppy feels safe and trusts in hopes, that he is in good hands.❤

The hand of a breeder is the hand, that is ready to write the answer around the clock, if you have any questions about your future puppy.🙂❤

The hand of a breeder is the hand, that will pick up the phone at any time, when you are worried and have doubts, that you do everything with the new puppy as the breeder told you, and described it to you, before you brought him in your home, in your family.🙂❤

For all this, and for many other things, that have not been listed here, with next time you shake hands with a breeder, think of everything the hand did, and think of everything the hand did with devotedly and with endless love!❤

In this article of photos you can see in the Broken Hill’s Heart chow-chow kennel was born dogs:

In the first photo you can see a red chow-chow baby, Melody, after her birth.❤
In the second photo, Playboy baby the after his birth.❤
In the third picture, you can see the puppies of the litter „P” after their birth, with their dear mommy.❤
In the video you can see, that the one-month-old chow-chow puppies of „P” litter eat dry food in the first time.❤
In the fourth photo you can see a cream-colored chow-chow baby in my hand, his name is Prince Of My Heart.❤

In the main photo of the article you can see a cream chow-chow baby, her name is Broken Hill’s Heart Lora.❤

Dear reader! Thank you for reading this dear article, real joy for me! New news soon, please visit my website often: www.brokenhillchow.hu, remember this! 🙂

If you are the lovers of chow-chow, I want to invite you in the facebook group of Broken Hill’s Heart chow-chow kennel.😊❤️

You can also find nice photos and useful content on the facebook page of the kennel!😊❤

From my wonderful puppies and from the beautiful adult chows you can see nice videos on the YouTube channel of my kennel, please check it out there too!😊

If you want, you can find me on Instagram too.

Author of this article: Ildikó Vámosi, the breeder of the Broken Hill’s Heart chow-chow kennel  & the author and editor-in-chief of the hungarian „Dog Portal” & the hungarian „The Dog” magazine’s articles writer


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